GENOTYPES OF Salvia sclarea L.

Dušan Adamović
Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Department of Medicinal Plants,
Yu-21470 Bački Petrovac, FR Yugoslavia

Eight genotypes of Salvia sclarea L. were assessed in three year field trials on Bački Petrovac experimental plots by applying random block system in three replications. Basic plot area size was 10 square meters. Standard cultivation methods were employed. Fresh inflorescences yield and content and yield of essential oil were analyzed. Oil content was determined after Ph. Jug. IV. The obtained results were processed by the variance analysis.

Genotype dependent inflorescences yield was between 6.4 and 8.6 t/ha, oil yield between 8.7 and 13 kg/ha, and oil content between 0.68 and 0.86 %. The three year results show that the highest variability was obtained with yield, whereas the lowest with oil content. A specific response of the individual genotypes as related to a year of investigation was observed. In certain genotypes more stable traits when compared with the others were found. Inflorescences yield was significantly positive affected by higher precipitation while higher oil content was recorded in years with higher air temperatures and insolation.

[Full paper: P-036]