Anthemis tinctora AND A. nobilis (Chamaemelum nobile)

Stefánia Vaverková1, Miroslav Habán2 and Ingrid Mistríková1
1Faculty of Pharmacy, C.Univ. 83232 Bratislava, Odbojárov 10, Slovakia
2Faculty of Agronomy, SAU 94976 Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, Slovakia

Plant sorts of the Anthemis genus in nature grow on the dry, sunny places, especially on calcareous substrates, on wood-steppe hillsides, bushes, they are able to vegetate on ruderal (infertile) stands. They tolerate the warm and basic soils, more limy ones. They especially well grow on the clay-sandy soils with poorer content of humus.

The sorts of the Anthemis genus found broad use in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, and food industry as well. Camomille is a popular object for the homeopathy. In all cases the drug are yellow and white flowers. They have a great significance in the food industry due to the presence of natural yellow dyes used at the production of diary and butchery products. The main components therein are natural flavonoids and essential oils. Chamaemelum nobile is widely utilized in the cosmetic industry because of smartly fragrant components in its oil, and as a part of some kinds of tea blends as well.

In the work we have studied the content and composition of the essential oil of both plant sorts grown at the three different localities of the Slovakia provenience in various vegetation periods. The quality of oil of the sorts under study partly depended on climatic conditions, which dominate on a particular locality. The abundance of main components of the oil from both plant sorts regardless some relative deviations were hereditary preserved. In the case of Anthemis tinctora it was also investigated the content and changes of flavonoids, which are in its flowers significantly present.

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