Institute for Medicinal Plant Research "Dr. Josif Pančić" (Belgrade), and
Federal Institute for Plant and Animal Genetic Resources (Belgrade)
(as a joint meeting)
Belgrade, October 11-15, 1999
First Announcement and Call for Papers
General information

The First Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (I CMAPSEEC), and joint VI Meeting "Days of Medicinal Plants '99" (VI MDMP) will be held in Belgrade, from 11-15th October, 1999. I CMAPSEEC will be organized as international scientific and professional meeting, open for all those working in the field of medicinal and aromatic plants and related products.

The main topics of the I CMAPSEEC & VI MDMP will be: preservation and sustainable use of biological resources, mapping of the natural recourses of medicinal and aromatic plants, biotechnology, breeding and seed production, cultivation, etnobotany, etnomedicine, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology, industrial processing, quality control and standardization, and economic aspects of medicinal and aromatic plants of the Southeast European region.

On this way, we are inviting our colleagues dealing with the all different aspects of aromatic and medicinal plant investigation, production, processing, use and trade, to participate in it.

Main program of the I CMAPSEEC & VI MDMP will be conducted through keynotes introductory and plenary lectures, oral and poster presentations of submitted papers, working and promotional sessions and exhibitions. We are also initiating organization of the Association of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (AMAPSEEC), as well as a number of additional programs. We are expecting your active participation and contribution, aiming to the comprehensive and high quality work out of the Conference topics.

Preliminary main program

Monday (October 11): arrival, accommodation and registration of participants, opening ceremony, welcoming cocktail.

Tuesday (October 12): introductory and plenary lectures, poster session (set up), Initiative meeting for the foundation of the Association for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (AMAPSEEC) - the first working session.

Wednesday (October 13): introductory and plenary lectures, oral presentations, poster session (discussion around posters).

Thursday (October 14): professional excursion; promotion of companies, institutions, and related associations; promotion of new books and monographs.

Friday (October 15): introductory and plenary lectures, oral presentations, Initiative meeting for the foundation of the Association for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (AMAPSEEC) - the second working session, closing ceremony, farewell dinner.

Additional programs

Workshop: Characterization of plant isolates and related products. This five days lasting course (11-15th October) will be organized for limited number of participants (up to 25). Course includes lectures, laboratory works, evaluation of participants success's achievement, and appropriate diploma assignment. Along with written materials, organizer will provide all necessary laboratory equipment, including contemporary Hewlett-Packard's analytical systems (GC, GC-MS, HPLC, UV-VIS). In the frame of the Workshop, the subject of characterization will be also samples and tasks (restricted number) given by workshop participants.

Promotion of new books and monographs. Organizer will support promotion of new books and monographs, dealing with medicinal and aromatic plants, for all those participating in the Conference, on the most appropriate way, during the hours especially determined for these purposes.

Promotion of companies, institutions, and related associations. Organizer will provide promotion of companies, institutions, and related associations involved in the medicinal and aromatic plants problematic, on two ways. As the first, supporting oral and video presentations with promotional contents, during the hours reserved in the hall especially determined for these purposes, and later on by renting exhibition area (under the most convenient conditions), which will be attended by interested exposures through full duration of the Conference.

Printed materials

Summaries of introductory and plenary lectures, as well as those of other accepted contributions, will be printed in the Book of Abstracts, which will be distributed to participants during the registration procedure, just before the Conference. Recommendation of the Organizers to the authors of all invited lectures and other accepted papers is to offer their contributions for publishing beyond the Conference in the Proceedings of the I CMAPSEEC, as full papers. Acceptability of all offered contributions will be evaluated by referees selected by Scientific Committee of the Conference. Afterwards, Proceedings of the I CMAPSEEC will be promptly printed.


Official language at the First Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (I CMAPSEEC), and joint VI Meeting "Days of Medicinal Plants '99" (VI MDMP) will be English.

Abstract preparation

Two hundred words based abstracts of their contributions authors should submit till June 1, 1999. Abstract should contain all relevant data about the contribution. It should be sufficiently concise, but experimental design, results and their appropriate evaluation, as well as the final conclusions should be clearly presented. During the abstract preparation, tables, diagrams, formulas, pictures, and references should be presented only if it is unavoidable. Text should be created in English (by the use of standard programs for text processing - MS Word for Windows). Besides two high quality printed copies (A4, 3 cm margins), the same text should be send on the disk (3.5"), on the Organizers address written below, or as e-mail message.

Technical support

Overhead and slide projectors, as well as the system for support of PC-based video presentation will be available.

Accommodation and transportation

The host of the I CMAPSEEC will be Belgrade - the capitol of FR Yugoslavia, easily accessible by bus, train, or plain, where the number of high quality hotels are available. During the Conference participants will be in position to take part in a very rich social program.

Important dates (Deadlines)

February 1: Deadline for title submission. June 1: Deadline for abstract submission. July 10: Second Announcement, including information about the acceptability of submitted abstracts, guidelines for preparation of papers and posters, final call for registration and hotel accommodation form. October 11: Deadline for submission of full papers selected for the publishing in the Proceedings of the I CMAPSEEC.
